Current Opportunities to Volunteer
GPFF Clean Stream Program. Practice conservation every time you cast a line. Scout-out your home stream for trash - - - bag it, tie it, carry it out - - - and qualify for our raffle. Grab a kit (like the one to the right) at our monthly meeting.
- Trout in the Classroom Program. Become a coach in this 'live' program which introduces elementary and middle school students to the miracle of rainbow trout - - - from egg to fry to release in the wild. For information contact the TIC Chairman.
SPAWNERS' WATER BUG TEAM. This small organization engages community members to help protect and restore San Pablo Creek. SPAWNERS is sampling and identifying benthos macro-invertabrates;i.e., bottom dwelling bugs that are indicators of creek health. Join their water bug team on the 4th Friday of each month. Contact Helen Dickson ( to learn more about the program.