
Trout In the Classroom

Grizzly Peak Fly Fishers participates in the California Department of Fish & Wildlife’s Trout in the Classroom program, also known as the Classroom Aquarium Education Program. Regionally the program might be titled Salmonids in the Classroom, Steelhead in the Classroom, or Salmon and Trout Education Program. This program allows students to experience the hatching of fish eggs and coordinated activities, as well as learn about the value of aquatic environments, water quality needed to maintain California's fisheries, and how personal actions can affect these resources.

Teachers and students, with guidance from GPFF members with help from documentation and instructions, set up aquariums in classrooms before receiving eggs (with a special CDFW permit), and observe the fish as they hatch and develop. This may end in a field trip to a local stream or river where the fish are released. This program is available for grades K-12. Prerequisite training workshops for teachers are held at locations throughout California - at least once a year in each region - and completion the required training must be completed before receiving eggs. 

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P.O. Box 153

El Cerrito, CA 94530

A 501(c)(7) Nonprofit Organization
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